If your family is anything like mine, everyone in the house has a full schedule in some way or another. Quality time together as a family, is tough to come by, to say the least!
Between work, school, after school activities, and all of the household chores along the way, there barely seems a moment to breathe…much less, the time to have some good ol’ family fun.
That’s the whole reason Family Time/Night was thought of, in the first place! Right?
One of the best ways to spend time together as a family, is the all-too-familiar go to of board games, card games…or any type of game your family enjoys!
If it gets some laughter going, time to “catch up”, and just overall, feel good moments…I say break out with the games!
Here is our list of favorite indoor games for the entire family to enjoy!
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1. Unstable Unicorns

Recommended Age: 8+
# Of Players: 2-8
This back stabbing sort of game is all about taking your opponent down with the most evil of magical unicorns, while building your own baby unicorn army in your stable.
The object of the game is to be the first person to collect 7 unicorns in his/her stable. The play time is generally 30 minutes or more, depending on how intense the game becomes..lol.
It’s great fun learning just what friends or family members would sell you out for, if push came to shove!
2. What Do You Meme? (Family Edition)

Recommended Age: 8+
# Of Players: 3+
My family absolutely loves this game! I can not tell you how often we have had a terrible time trying to get through one game.
Why? We literally can not stop laughing long enough to read the words on the cards!
You need at least 3 people to play this game, one person to act as judge and the others as competitors. Everyone takes turns being the judge.
At the beginning of the game, everyone draws 7 caption cards. The judge picks a photo card, puts it on the easel and the rest of the players choose which of their caption cards best matches the photo shown.
The winner keeps the photo card they got right. Whoever collects the required number of photo cards first (depends on number of players), wins the game! Totally hilarious. Totally fun.
3. Moose Master

Recommended Age: 8+
# Of Players: 3+
This is yet another popular game that combines humor with a challenge. At the beginning of the game, two rule cards are chosen that everyone must follow.
There are challenge cards to complete, such as creating a story, rhyming a word, testing memory, naming a celebrity, or answering a question with a question.
For every challenge you loose, you get a penalty card. The object of the game is to avoid getting too many penalty cards.
This game takes about 30 minutes to complete, and it is suitable for kids, teens, and adults.
4. Life

Recommended Age: 8+
# Of Players: 2-4
The Game Of Life is a game that has been played in our home, on many occasions. Every time you play, you get a different outcome, so the journey aspect of it never gets boring!
The Action cards are really what makes this game so super fun. We do totally get into the silly role playing part of it all, while competing to win. It keeps the laughter rolling, while you spend a good couple of hours of quality time together, learning many life lessons along the way!
5. Do You Really Know Your Family?

Recommended Age: 8+
# Of Players: 3-8
Let’s face it…your family consists of people you currently share space with and will know for the rest of your life. Why not try to dig in and find out what little secrets, habits, or other silly personality traits you may or may not know about.
Who knows you better than anyone else? Better yet, who in your family do you know better than anyone else? Compete with them all to see who really is the most observant, intuitive family member in the bunch!
6. Monopoly

Recommended Age: 8+
# Of Players: 2-6
Monopoly is another all time favorite in our home. It has on occasion, gotten quite competitive.
You know how you sometimes see those memes where someone has flipped a coffee table after getting mad while playing monopoly? Yeah…that happened here once (not the table… just the board and pieces – from the 8 year old in the room, no less…lol!). I have to say, though, we do always go back for more!
It is simply too much fun, and we learn a new tactic every time. This is a good classic game with the bonus of teaching kids a little bit about money and responsibility. Perhaps also, how to be a good sport when they loose!
7. Kids Against Maturity

Recommended Age: 10+
# Of Players: 4+
Kids Against Maturity is another super fun game that will keep the laughter alive. In fact, the entire game is based on pairing the funniest answer to the question that is asked.
It is similar to the What Do You Meme? game in the way that humor and laughter are simply inevitable while playing. It takes approximately 30-90 minutes to complete the game and it is suitable for kids, teens, and adults.
8. Kerplunk

Recommended Age: 5+
# Of Players: 2-4
Kerplunk is a game that combines skill and suspense. Players take turns removing sticks from a tube filled with marbles, while trying to avoid causing any marbles to fall. The game ends when all marbles drop, and players count their compartments to determine the winner. Keep your hand steady and enjoy the challenge!
9. Left Center Right (LCR Dice Game)

Recommended Age: 5+
# Of Players: 3+
This is a fast paced dice game that is fun and doesn’t take much time to play. It is suitable for all ages and it is very easy to learn.
In this game, players start with three chips (coins) each, and you take turns rolling three special LCR dice.
When a player rolls an L, they pass one chip to the left. If they roll an R, they pass one to the right, and so on… The game continues until someone runs out of chips and is eliminated. The last player remaining with chips wins the center pot!
10. Sequence

Recommended Age: 7+
# Of Players: 2-12
Imagine if Tic Tac Toe and Bingo had a baby…that’s what you would get with Sequence. It is a lot of fun for the whole family, but quite challenging at the same time.
The object of the game is to get the required number of sequences first, at the same time you try to block the other players from completing their sequences. Fun, exciting, and great for fine tuning your strategical skills!
11. Uno

Recommended Age: 7+
# Of Players: 2-10
Uno is not only a fun card game to play, but it reminds us of our own growing up experiences. It is one of those classic card games that has been around forever!
In this game, players start with seven cards each, drawn from a shuffled deck of 108 cards. The objective is to play a card that matches the color, number, word, or symbol on the top card of the discard pile. Wild cards (like Wild or Wild Draw 4) allow you to choose a color.
If you can’t play a card, you must draw one from the draw pile. The first player to get rid of all their cards wins the round. The best of the best is whoever wins the most rounds, of course!
12. Exploding Kittens

Recommended Age: 7+
# Of Players: 2-5
I must admit, the name and concept of this card game, might be just a tad bit on the dark humor side! I argue, however, that there must be a lot of folks out there with that type of darker sense of humor, myself included. This is a best seller and the title, well…says it all.
The whole purpose is to trick your kitty cat friends to cause themselves to explode. How much more fun can it get? The challenges and defense tactics are hilarious and the playtime is minimal. Great for any night of the week!
13. Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

Recommended Age: 7+
# Of Players: 2-8
One round of this card game, takes less than 30 minutes of play time, but the excitement lasts long after the end!
This is another game that has become quite popular in recent months and for good reason! It is mainly a test of speed, with just the right balance of quick observation, and memory.
If you move too slow or too fast, the penalties will be great. However, if you have just the right mental and physical coordination, you will become the winner. Good fun any time!
14. Poetry For Neanderthals

Recommended Age: 7+
# Of Players: 2+
This game is challenging, simply because it aims at re-programming you to speak in a way you’re not accustomed to.
Imagine living in cave man times, with all you know about the English language. Do you think you could do it? It’s harder than you think, but absolutely hilarious! The laughter will roll, as you bop one another in the head with the inflatable “No!” stick!
15. Guess in 10

Recommended Age: 6+
# Of Players: 2-6
Guess In 10: Animal Planet is a family guessing game where players aim to collect seven Game Cards. In this game, players draw a hidden Game Card with two buzz words related to an animal. Using up to ten yes or no questions, you try to guess the animal. Clue Cards provide hints, and a bonus question allows instant victory. The first player or team to collect seven Game Cards wins!
16. Tenzi

Recommended Age: 7+
# Of Players: 2-6
This is another fast-paced dice game that’s easy to learn. In this game, players start with ten dice each. When someone says “Go,” everyone rolls their dice simultaneously.
The goal is to get all ten of your dice to show the same number. Players quickly decide which number to focus on (based on their roll) and set aside dice with that chosen number. Then they roll the remaining dice again. The first player to achieve ten matching dice shouts “TENZI” and wins!
17. Sleeping queens

Recommended Age: 8+
# Of Players: 2-5
In this game, players start with a shuffled deck containing Queen cards with point values, (King, Knight, Dragon, Jester, Sleeping Potion, Wand), along with number cards (1–10).
The objective is to strategically play cards to awaken Sleeping Queens from the center area, steal opponents’ queens, defend against attacks, and accumulate points. The first player to collect a predetermined number of queens or points wins!
18. Farkle

Recommended Age: 8+
# Of Players: 2+
Farkle is a game of chance and strategy played with six dice. Each player starts their turn by rolling all six dice. After rolling, the player sets aside specific dice combinations that have a score value (Ex., three of a kind, straights, pairs).
Players can choose to risk their points and roll the remaining dice again or bank their earned points. If the remaining dice rolled do not form a scoring combination, the player “farkles” and loses points for that turn. The goal is to be the first player with 10,000 or more points.
19. Rummikub

Recommended Age: 8+
# Of Players: 2-4
In this game, players start by shuffling the tiles face-down and drawing one tile each to determine the starting player. Each player receives 14 random tiles and arranges them on their racks.
In this game, you are to create sets (groups of the same number in different colors) and runs (consecutive numbers in the same color). On your turn, you can draw a tile or play tiles from your hand. The goal is to manipulate tiles on the table to form valid sets and runs. The first player to play all their tiles wins the round!
20. Not parent approved

Recommended Age: 8+
# Of Players: 3-10
This is a hilarious card game that involves a “Burp Boss”. That should say it all!
In this game, the objective is to collect the most blue cards. During the game, players draw red answer cards and respond to blue question cards. The Burp Boss reads the questions and selects the best answers. The winner keeps the blue question card and scores a point.
The player with the most question cards at the end of the game, wins.
21. Dixit

Recommended Age: 8+
# Of Players: 3-8
Dixit is an imaginative card game where players create associations between image cards. The storyteller invents a clue based on one of their cards, and the other players choose cards that match the clue. The goal is to identify the storyteller’s image while avoiding confusion. Points are scored based on correct guesses and clever storytelling.
22. Bamboozled

Recommended Age: 8+
# Of Players: 2-8
Test your ability to Bluff with this fun and interesting board game. Be careful…you only get three lives! You might be able to win back a life here or there if you lose one, but that will completely depend on your ability to keep a straight face and bluff your way back into your safety zone.
So…what will happen? Are you a future poker champion or are you more like the player that gets crushed at the table every time?
23. Would you rather?

Recommended Age: 8+
# Of Players: 2+
Would You Rather is a fun ice-breaker game that you can play with anyone, anywhere. To play, gather a group of two or more players. Decide who will take turns presenting the “Would You Rather” scenarios.
Players then take turns asking questions with two options, starting with “Would you rather…?” For example, a player might ask, “Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?” Each participant must choose their answer and explain why they made that choice.
The objective is less about points and more about funny and interesting conversations.
24. Ticket To Ride

Recommended Age: 8+
# Of Players: 2-5
Ticket to Ride is a popular board game where players compete to build train routes across various regions. Players collect colored train cards, claim routes by playing matching cards, and earn points based on route length. Destination Ticket cards provide additional objectives. The game ends when a player has two or fewer train cars left. Strategic planning and route-building are essential for victory!
25. 5 Second Rule

Recommended Age: 10+
# Of Players: 3+
This game is more challenging than you might think at first. Sure, you may know in your head, many different answers to the question that is asked. However, can you provide those answers in only 5 seconds?
Consider it for a moment..any time you try to think of something random in a short amount of time, you face the possibility of getting tongue tied, drawing a blank, or worse..giving an answer that is no where close to being correct! Can you win the game or will someone else prove they think quicker on their feet?
26. Risk

Recommended Age: 10+
# Of Players: 2-5
This is yet another favorite of ours, though it sometimes turns into a game that goes on for a few days! Not continuously, of course!
While it is not a quick game, it is incredibly beneficial in terms of learning strategy. In this game, players compete for world domination by battling armies and controlling territories. Players receive plastic army troops (Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery) based on the player count.
On your turn, you place new troops, attack and capture territories by rolling dice, and fortifying your position. The goal is to capture all territories and eliminate opponents’ troops. Love this game!
27. Splurt

Recommended Age: 10+
# Of Players: 2+
Splurt! is a fast-paced card game for 2 or more players. To play, start by removing 20 to 40 cards from the deck. Shuffle the remaining cards and place them pink side up. Flip the top card to reveal a category and criteria. Players must quickly give a correct answer that matches both criteria. The first player to do so keeps the card. The game continues until all cards are flipped, and the player with the most cards, wins!
28. Forbidden island

Recommended Age: 10+
# Of Players: 2-4
Forbidden Island is an exciting team based game where players work together to prevent an ancient island from sinking, while collecting it’s four precious treasures.
Players arrange the island tiles, draw treasure cards, and use unique adventurer powers. The goal is to capture the four treasures and escape to Fools’ Landing by helicopter. It takes just 30-45 minutes to play this game and enhances your skills in strategic thinking, problem solving, and team work.
29. Trekking The National Parks

Recommended Age: 10+
# Of Players: 2-5
In this game, players race to visit American national parks and experience the diverse natural beauty each park offers.
Players collect colored trek cards to move across the map, claim valuable park cards, and be the first to visit a National Park to collect its colored stone. The goal is to score points from stones, campsites, park cards, and major parks.
Educational. Challenging. Inspirational. Adventure. What more could you ask for?
30. Catan

Recommended Age: 12+
# Of Players: 3-4
Catan is a popular board game where players compete to build settlements, roads, and cities on an island.
Players roll dice to produce resources based on adjacent settlements, trade resources, and use them to construct roads, settlements, and cities. Victory Points (VP) are earned through building achievements, having the longest road, and other strategic moves. The first player to reach ten VP, wins!
31. Smart Ass

Recommended Age: 12+
# Of Players: 2-6
I think the name of this game says it all! Are you a smart ass? I know I can be! The real question is…are you a smart ass who thinks quick on your feet? That’s the challenge!
Advance around the board, answering various questions while trying to avoid the Hard Ass & Dumb Ass spaces. This is a fast paced game that requires a minimum of 2 players and is certain to bring loads of laughs!
So, who is the Smartass in the room?
32. Quao – The Ultimate dictatorship

Recommended Age: 12+
# Of Players: 3-6
Quao is a fun game that tests your ability to become the ultimate dictator. The setting is one in which the idea of democracy is futile, and there’s only one law: QUAO.
As the ruler, you know the secret Rules, and everyone else must figure them out. Hand out penalties, enlist the help of loyal subjects, and watch out for Cheata’—she could be your downfall!
The goal is to be the first to discard all your cards and claim the coveted QUAO status. The bigger test is in maintaining that coveted status!
33. Telestrations

Recommended Age: 12+
# Of Players: 4+
Telestrations is a drawing and guessing game at the same time! It combines elements of the game Telephone and Pictionary.
With this game, players start by secretly writing a word or phrase based on a card they draw. Then, they pass their sketchbook to the next player, who must draw the word or phrase. The following player guesses what the drawing represents, and the process continues until the sketchbook returns to its original owner.
The results are often comically distorted, leading to laughter and surprises. It’s kind of like the old school game of Whispers, where one person whispers something to the next and it goes down the line. Then you compare what the starting story was, vs. the end story. Always good fun!
34. Apples to apples

Recommended Age: 12+
# Of Players: 4-10
In this game, players make comparisons between different nouns and adjectives.
Each player starts with a hand of seven Red Apple cards, which feature nouns. One player acts as the judge and plays a Green Apple card with an adjective. The goal is to play the Red Apple card that best matches the judge’s adjective.
The laughter comes with your ability to test your knowledge of the English Lanuguage. It’s not as easy as you think, sometimes
35. Escape Room In A Box

Recommended Age: 13+
# Of Players: 2-8
In recent years, escape room games have blown up in popularity, and for good reason! Anytime, you have to use strategy, problem solving skills, and teamwork, it is sure to be a challenging time, and fun!
This escape room comes with a fun little twist in that the entire goal is to escape before being turned into a werewolf. You only need 2 players for this game, but more is always better!
Connect to Amazon Alexa to create a more tailored mood for the game experience!
36. The Resistance

Recommended Age: 13+
# Of Players: 5-10
To start this game, players gather in teams, open the box to reveal game components, and read the provided scenario or backstory.
The goal is to act as a team, to solve puzzles, decode clues, and unravel mysteries within a set time limitin order to complete their mission.
The excitement lies in the unexpected twists and collaborative problem-solving. Are you and your team mates smart enough to come up with an escape or doomed to suffering from lack of cooperation?
37. Taboo

Recommended Age: 13+
# Of Players: 4+
With this game, players race against time to help their team members come up with the correct Guess word, without saying any of the Taboo words given on the cards.
For instance…Can you get your team mates to guess the word Fame, without them using the words, Celebrity, Superstar, Musical, Known, or Fortune? It’s much trickier than you might think!
38. Scattegories

Recommended Age: 13+
# Of Players: 2+
This is another fast paced word game for 2-6 players. In this game, players receive a category list and a letter. The goal is to come up with unique words that fit each category and start with the chosen letter.
Players try to beat the timer, to jot down their answers, while avooiding repeating words that others might write.
After three rounds, points are awarded based on originality. If no one matches your answers, you score higher. It’s a fun and challenging game that tests creativity and quick thinking!
39. Murder Mystery (Body On The Boardwalk)

Recommended Age: 14+
# Of Players: 1+
Murder mystery games are always fun. Who doesn’t like solving crimes?
In a world where every other tv show or movie is a crime or other mystery sort of drama, it’s only natural that we should be intrigued by games of the same genre.
Murder mystery games are great for family time, birthday parties, dinner parties, or any other small group event.
We utilized one of these games last year for my son’s birthday party and it was a huge hit with the guests. While we have not yet played this particular murder mystery game, it has been on my list for future references. Great family fun anytime!
40. Who’s Most Likely To?

Recommended Age: 14+
# Of Players: 4+
I see these types of questionnaires or games circulate throughout Facebook from time to time, and the answers are always comical.
This is the same concept in the form of a card game. Pull this one out for family night and see the interesting things your family really thinks or feels about you!
Super informative and super fun!
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Board games and card games are those traditional activities that will never go out of style. They are the perfect thing to break the ice with new guests or for simply spending a nice afternoon with family or friends.
They are entertaining, educational, and sometimes, will even make you laugh until you cry! So…the next time you feel like a cozy night in with the company of your loved one, come back here for a few game ideas. Any of these gems will no doubt, keep the party going for as long as you want!