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12 Inspiring Fearless Female Heroines To Watch!

Whenever I hear anyone say that there are not many strong female characters in tv shows and movies produced these days, I wonder if they have been living under a rock. I usually fill them in on the many tv shows or movies they may have been missing out on.

Perhaps they wouldn’t even have known about these bad ass heroines, simply because the shows or movies don’t usually align with their area of interest. I usually suggest folks watch a few of these shows and then come back to me…let’s see if their opinion changes.

And in the process, they may find other genres appeal to them, that they never thought could be of interest!

wendy byrde ozark

Types Of Strength…

Not all of these ladies are heroic in terms of physical strength and battle strategy. Some of them have emotional or mental strength (or both!), which can make them far more dangerous sometimes! All of them are fierce in their own ways and quite entertaining to watch!

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When it comes to tv shows, I’m a little more diverse in my knowledge. I definitely reject anyone’s idea that strong female characters barely exist in today’s entertainment industry. The small list of modern day characters below, are literally only a handful off of the top of my head. I could make this list much longer…and there are much longer lists out there! (Check out this list of 100 Most Fearless Women).

I chose these particular female characters to mention, because…

First – These are shows/movies I have seen in more recent years. If I went back any further than the last 20-30 years, I would be here forever! There are some pretty extensive lists out there already that include female characters from older shows, and worthy of checking into.

Second – These women are without a doubt, totally Badass! All of these fictional characters have had their share of popularity and the actresses that portray them, are absolutely amazing! They are heroines for their own reasons…a few of them, just f*cking Ninja…what can I say? I love them all…

Third – All of the characters go through many harsh obstacles but always win in the end. They take what they can from pain and crap circumstances, and transform it into unwavering strength. They are very intuitive, primarily self taught and super smart. If those qualities don’t make for a strong female character, I don’t know what does.

SPOILER ALERTS AHEAD! (I will do my best to give an overview without giving too much away, in case you haven’t watched yet!)

arya stark - game of thrones

Arya Stark – Game Of Thrones (GOT)

Totally in love with that character! I am more than fortunate to have a badass Son. But I’ll tell you what…, if he were to have been a girl, I would so want an Ayra.

We watch that little girl grow up throughout the show (like 9 yrs -16ish?). Stupid, heart wrenching situation. What does she do with that pain? She becomes a quick, smart, cat like assassin….And boy, does she do it well! …and for the right reasons! That little girl was a warrior from day 1. That having been said, get on her “list”…well, natural karma will take care of you, IF she doesn’t first!

The other female characters I enjoyed with that show, were Daenerys, Sansa, and Margaery.

margaery tyrell - game of thrones

Margaery Tyrell (GOT)

…Was “Green” as they would say in Westeros… a bit sheltered if you will. Margaery didn’t know personal pain all that much. She was kind of naïve. She did however, make for a Beautiful, Compassionate Queen who cared about the general population, the common folk. Margaery was a sweet girl, fit for Queen in many ways. Too bad she wasn’t smarter when it came to more experienced opponents.

sansa stark - game of thrones

Sansa Stark (GOT)

Well, Sansa did get what she wanted in the end. She went through a lot of torture for that end reward. She “Earned It”, in her mind, and she’s right. Not sure it was worth it, but she was a beast in her own right. Her stamina and Patience were key. Her observant nature and resilience were crucial. Thus, she became strong and finally, a Queen.

daenerys targaryen - game of thrones

And then…

Daenerys Targaryen (GOT)

Ok…who didn’t wish they could have dragons?

I do love my puppy pack (And I do have a Bearded Dragon! ) However, if I could have a full size dragon too.., Ah…the sky is the limit! Imagine the Freedom Of Flight there! Daenerys’s problem was she ultimately thought she knew best for Everyone. She lost her way at the end. She definitely showed strength in more ways than one, throughout the series. Alas, power is not always a good thing if it controls you.

Lagertha - Vikings

Lagertha – Vikings

When it comes to strong female warriors, Lagertha definitely fits the part. Let’s see…family/community oriented, loyal and committed to her followers, combined with fierce fighting skills (axes and such), foresight, and physical strength/agility. The woman is Awesome! She will take you out if you mess with her people! She was not only a wonderful ruler, but she was one of the best Shield Maidens of her time!

I don’t think that type of self defense is offered these days…Too Bad..lol!

angela abar - watchmen

Angela Abar – Watchmen

Yet another crazy, protective warrioress with a variety of skills. Angela’s back story is sad. Her motivation is understandable. Her intuition is usually spot on and her physical fighting abilities are impeccable. Everytime I have ever seen this actress play a part since discovering her, I perk right up. She tends to capture your attention as soon as you hear her voice. You know that shits about to happen! And it’s gonna be good!

beatrix - black mamba - kill bill

Beatrix (aka “Black Mamba”) – Kill Bill (1 & 2)

One of my all time favorites! Look, I’m just saying…when you help to train an assassin, screw her over completely, take her child, and leave her for dead…you know, Sooner or later, “God’s Gonna cut you down..”

She turns her ultimate pain into a well planned out revenge and rescue mission. Her fighting skills are Incredible…you just have to see it! Love that character!

eleven - stranger things

Eleven – Stranger Things

Do Not…and I repeat, Do Not mess with this child’s friends. She has a hard time as it is, making friends. When she is in her element, screwing with her or her peeps, is the last thing you want to do. Not only is that little girl super smart and telepathically inclined, but she has a Jedi magic all her own. Again, a strong female who turns her pain into something really good…(most instances, at least..just don’t be a bad guy).

Claire randall fraser - outlander

Claire (Randall) Fraser – Outlander

I wasn’t sure how I would feel when I first began watching this show, but it surprised me. It brought a lot of insight with regards to historical events, and the characters are those you can relate to. I must admit, Jamie Fraser was the first one I fell in love with…that bod alone…the red hair, stubble… (ok..I’m done..promise! This is about women….:)

Claire did make me ponder often, along the way. That woman gets herself in trouble everywhere she goes, mostly because of her big, sarcastic mouth! Well, who am I to judge on that? But, she always means well. She will put her entire life at risk to save a stranger that just tried to rape her! Go figure!

Aside from her minor flaws and silly antics you run into, you realize this is a woman that has experienced far more trauma than any of us could imagine…yet, she keeps on trekking. She is determined to reach her ultimate goal…to change the course of History for the better. I can respect that, regardless of my opinion in certain situations.

rath langmore - ozark

Ruth Langmore – Ozark

I’m a huge fan of Ruth. She’s a petite little woman that can occupy the entire room if you let her! She has a confidence about her, a filthy mouth, and the walk to back the talk. Don’t let that 5′ 5″ size fool ya! In her mind, she’s 3 steps ahead of you on that chess board. Sometimes, she’s right. Sometimes, she’s wrong.

Regardless, that one is certainly not one I would call weak. Wendy Byrde is at a tie with Darlene Snell for runner up in this show. They do things to protect their own, but damn, can they be dumb sometimes! Sometimes, super smart and manipulative…(Ok, sometimes smart, and always manipulative!)

analise keating - how to get away with murder

Analise Keating – How To Get Away With Murder

When we started watching this show, all but the last season had already been put out. We stumbled upon it and ending up going on a binge. We like mystery/crime shows. The previews were there…we went for it. We couldn’t stop. Analise was Exceptional…smart in law, very observant with people, organized in such a way it was hard to keep up with her thoughts, etc. Her character was played beautifully…Nowadays, if I see that face or hear that voice… I perk up.

attia of the julii - rome

Attia Of The Julii – Rome

Absolutely hated this character from word go. I guess I wanted to see..uh….not sure….

Moving along, Attia was evil…yet that name was one I had considered as a girl name had my baby been of the opposite sex…lol!

Don’t ask me why. I hated that character. However, the finale of that show left me in a very strange place mentally. Okay, Attia was just evil! But damn, was she brilliant, royal like, smart as hell, manipulative, and ultimately….she ended up being Queen Mother.

For me, it was her words at the end of the finale….

“Remember…Far better women than you have sworn to do the same. Go and look for them now.” She had a point at that moment.

So, are there really no strong female characters out there? Are we really that oppressed, Ladies? I think not. I believe people see what they want to see. It just so happens, I choose to see that there are a ton of strong female characters out there. You just have to be willing to take notice of them and give them the credit they deserve.

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