It’s only a week or so into summer vacation and the kids are already bored, right? Yep…feeling it! In fact…only 2 days ago, my son came into my office to just “check in” on me and hang out. After about a minute of silence and him staring at the ceiling, I knew exactly what was going on. He was bored.
Only 4 days since the last day of school! And he’s a teenager developing his own little social life, to boot!
He shouldn’t require that much maintenance these days, right?
I asked if he was feeling a bit bored and he confirmed. When I asked him where his friends were, he said everyone was busy at the moment with something else.
This was one of those rare times I wondered if having only one child, was the best idea, after all!
I smiled and thought to myself, Okay. Better come up with some ideas in a half of hurry if I am to keep the boy happy while I get stuff done!
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Early Years…
Admittedly, back when my son was a small child, it was a bit harder to keep him entertained. Though, also easier in some ways. I started thinking back and reflecting on what ideas I may have for you mamas and papas out there trying to chase after the younger kiddos.
While my son might be bored at the moment, he is a teenager and a little more self sufficient. I remember when that was not so much the case.
Anyway… I came up with a much larger list of fun activities for the kids, than originally thought. Most of them, we utilized on many occasions. Some, I wish I had thought of when my son was younger. All of them are easy to implement, creative, and budget friendly!
To make things easier, I have listed the activities that are geared more toward younger children followed by activities that are suitable for all ages. Check it out…lots of fun stuff here!
Summer Activities For 12 yrs. & Under

1. Make Fairy Houses
This is one of the best ideas I came across. Not only because it is a fabulous idea. It’s also because, it is one very familiar to us.
There is a lovely little botanical/art center that we use to frequent often. It is called Ann Marie Gardens and was just a few miles down the road from us. Everyone enjoyed this park (locals and vacationers)!
It has one area that is devoted to a gorgeous garden of spring and summer flowers…all buzzing with birds, butterflies and dragonflies. It has an art gallery within the main building, with lots of really cool sculptures and relics contributed by local artists.
That was never the best part for my family. The best part was the wooded path that circled the property. Not only were there bridges, carved trees, and sculptures throughout, but there were hand made fairy houses! Lots of them with amazing detail! They were all kind of hidden within the foliage, so it was a fun game for us to find all that were on the map.
We considered making one of our own, but instead, enjoyed the hunt with the houses we knew were already there 🙂
Make your own fairy or gnome houses and hide them throughout your backyard! The kids will love it!

2. Backyard Butterfly or Hummingbird Habitat
Going back to the above mentioned, we love butterflies, hummingbirds, lady bugs, dragonflies, and all of nature’s beautiful creatures, alike. There really is nothing like catching a glimpse of a hummingbird dancing around the feeder or a butterfly landing on a flower right in front of you. Anything to bring these little guys around, is always a reminder of great things. And always welcome!
So…build a habitat with the kiddos. Not only will they experience more of life’s natural beauty, but they will know they helped to invite more of it!
3. Collecting Rocks/Sea Shells
My family has always been close to the ocean and enjoy finding little treasures along the shore to have as keepsakes. It seems so simple, but the memories last. Searching for seashells is a great way to keep the kids busy in a safety zone, while creating those moments they will reflect on later.
If the ocean is not within your reach, rocks can be found anywhere! You’d be surprised by how many really pretty rocks are out there if you just stop for a moment and study your surroundings. We have a collection of our own that we have accumulated over the years. One may have come from a park or our backyard. Another or two from some vacation. Whatever the case might be, it is a great way to keep the kids and yourself entertained on an otherwise, boring sort of day 🙂
4. Indoor Fort or Living Room Slumber Party
We have definitely done this on many occasions. My son had a few different tents through his younger years. We took advantage as just an afternoon playtime event and sometimes even took a nap in it! Entirely fun and kids love it.
Don’t have a Dinosaur or Barbie tent available? Grab a few blankets and drape across furniture to create a secret blanket fort! Funny…the simple things that require only a bit of imagination, but kids love. Yet…we did too, right?
5. Make & Bury A Time Capsule
This is yet another great idea and maybe even a good way of convincing the kiddos to give up a couple of small toys that really don’t serve a purpose anymore. Think…the crappy little McDonald’s happy meal prizes that break within a week, but the kids just won’t let go of!
6. Finger Paint Projects
This is one I really didn’t do…mostly because of the mess. Now that I have seen other parents out there with better strategies for handling that, I would now attempt a finger paint party anytime!
What we did instead was playdough. OMG…the amount of playdough equipment our child had during his younger years! Yet another great idea for keeping the kids entertained while mom and dad enjoys the air conditioning!

7. Seven-Layer Density Column
This was actually a science fair project in the 5th grade that my son had to complete for school. I mention it as a good indoor activity, because we had so much fun doing it. You can find a few different versions of the experiment online. We chose this version. All of them involve very basic household ingredients and it keeps the kids interested the whole way through. Not only that, but it’s an educational experience as well! Highly recommend!
If science isn’t a big interest for your kiddo, there are other fun educational activities to keep their minds sharp during their off season. Check out these articles for more ideas in the educational arena: Linear Calendar For Kids In 2003 or 10 Fun Educational Activities To Do At Home.
8. Scavenger Hunt
I can’t say enough about scavenger hunts, in general. You can easily make a list of things around your house or backyard and set the kids on a hunt. Give them a small prize to aim for and enjoy the time to yourself that it takes for them to complete the hunt 🙂
You can find many different scavenger hunt ideas/lists online and a good bit of them can be printed out for FREE!
9. Rock Painting & Leaving Them In Public Places
This is an idea that has become very popular in recent years. All you need is crayons, markers or paint, and the desire to spread nice little messages to others. Kids love this…Great art project that keeps them entertained and is something they feel good about at the end of the day.
10. Have A Bake Sale
A small lemonade stand is always a good idea, but what about those folks that don’t particularly enjoy the tangy flavor of lemonade? I bet a a nice fudge brownie, bag of homemade cookies, or even petite cakes will drawn the crowd in! Who wouldn’t stop for a quick snack when it involves sweets, anyway?
11. Homemade Popsicles
All you really need for this activity is some kind of fruit juice, wooden sticks, and molds (or even an ice cube tray)! Easy Peasy.

12. French Fry Party or Crab Picking Party
We have done both of these things. Sometimes, we will head out to our favorite crab place for a couple of hours of seafood and good ol’ fashioned family quality time.
Let’s face it…the kids can’t really play with their phones if their hands are messy from food they can’t resist!
French fry party was a thing for us, for a while there (still is, every now and then). We would just randomly go to Burger King here and there for a nice family fry chow down. Always god fun and our son got the crown with it! Yet another thing kids tend to like a lot! (Those simple things.)
13. “Wacky Wednesday”
One of my son’s favorite books when he was young, was Wacky Wednesday by Dr. Seuss. It takes absolutely nothing to pull this one off with the kiddos. Anything silly that you can think of to make them giggle through the day, is a win! They will quickly pick up on the overall theme and chime in! We use to just randomly put on a funny sock, song or silly face. Fun comes in many silly forms 🙂

I never did think of this idea and I kind of kicked myself in the tail when I came across it. What a neat way to engage the kids and give them some kind of hope at the same time, right? Well…you’re never too old for new experiences!
Summer Activities For All Ages
We make a seasonal bucket list every year. It may only have 3 ideas to start, but it grows as we check those ideas off. We start with small ideas like making it to the beach at least every other week. Then, it quickly evolves into camping trip plans or other day trips. We may not get to them all in one summer, but it motivates us to get out and enjoy the weather while we have it. Besides, the leftover ideas are a good starting point for the following year!

2. A Leisurely Walk (Nearby park or other wooded area)
Fresh air, animals not often seen in your backyard, and simple bonding time with your loved ones. What more do you need? Oh…and walking is always good for cardiovascular health 🙂

3. Picking Fruit Or Vegetables
I remember plenty of times during my childhood that my family went to a nearby farm to go picking. Sometimes, it was pea shoots. Sometimes, it was green beans. The best times were strawberry picking. Us kids knew we could come home with a pint or so of strawberries. With only a small amount of effort…Strawberry Shortcake was soon to be had. Yum! Quite the motivator for children.

4. A Morning At The Beach
I say morning, because we do tend to try to get to our local beach by 10am at the latest. You get 2 or 3 hours to have fun without baking in the nasty afternoon sun. This is usually followed by lunch and whatever low maintenance activity we can think of to wind down. Works for me!

5. Waterparks
We have a waterpark nearby that we make a habit of going to at least once a year. The first time we took our boy and a friend to the park, neither child was brave enough to go on one of the large slides. The next year, my son decided it was the year…so long as mom or dad got on the slide with him. It’s been a few years since and mom and dad are no longer needed. Now, he won’t get off of the slides long enough to enjoy a little bit of the lazy river!

6. Arcades & Bowling
Arcades have always been a thing in our family. We grew up with them and the younger generations love them just as we did. Besides, it helps us parents feel young again.
Bowling was the surprise. We had a day this past winter when nothing else was really open at the time, except the bowling alley. That random 2 hour long side stop was one of the best times ever. For the littles, some bowling alleys have the guard rails that come up to ease the number of gutter balls 🙂
7. Miniature Golf
Always fun and doesn’t cost much! A lot of miniature golf courses involve very artistic, animated, or motion oriented props that kids (and adults) love. Best part…you don’t have to be a golfing pro. You don’t have to convince me any further!
8. Make Lunch Together (personal pizza, simple sandwich, etc.)
Any project that makes kids feel as though they contributed to something, will always be at the top of the list. When it comes to some kind of edible substance that makes their bellies happy at the end…even better!
9. Backyard Camping
Why not? Maybe it is a hectic week, but you want to do something fun. You don’t have to make arrangements for a campground if you have a backyard. Throw a tent up and enjoy a bit of nature close to home. Make some smores over a small grill and take up a bit of star gazing for a minute!
10. Card Or Board Games
Board games or card games are always a great way to fill in the gaps when nothing more exciting is happening. We have always kept a deck or two of playing cards around the house. So many options there! We are also a family that likes board games as well, so there is no lack in that area.
11. Organize/Purge
Kids of all ages need to be reminded of how nice it feels to declutter from time to time. It might take a moment to get them motivated. However, when they realize that exact process allows more space for other things to enter their lives (Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge), they are a bit more welcoming. And they clean without feeling like it’s a chore!
12. Botanical Garden Tour
Any kind of garden with pretty flowers and amazing scents, is always refreshing! There is a point to the phrase, “Stop and smell the flowers”.
13. Fishing
Maybe this one isn’t for everyone, but well…it is one of my favorites. My dad took me fishing with him plenty when I was young. Not only did I learn how to catch and clean my dinner, but I learned how to appreciate how delicious water creatures can be.
The day my son decided to try crab, was the day he started to get interested in fishing. The rest is history.
14. Day trip
Literally, the world is your oyster. What is within 1-2 hours from you that seems even remotely interesting? A zoo? Farm? Ice cream shop? Museum? Park? Lake? Anything?
I bet you just came up with at least 3 things right there 🙂
15. Picnic
This doesn’t mean you have to spend a few hours packing lunches, finding a basket, etc. (That is always a plus though…)
We sometimes will stop by a deli for a couple of sandwiches and just head over to the park. We eat, discuss what’s next, and move along. Simple, cheap, and stress free!

16. Farmer’s Market or Flea Market
Younger or older…it doesn’t matter. A flea market or farmer’s market will usually get any kid’s attention. Especially if a good meal is the end game! Take them to a yard sale and let them spend a few dollars of their allowance on some trinket.
Better yet, have the kids help you pick the vegetables for dinner!
“Hey Sweetie…you helped pick (the vegetable), right?”
“Now you’re obligated to try, because every chef has to try his own food, right?”
(kid thinking on that…non-responsive)
17. Water Balloon or Water Gun Fight
Oh yeah. This takes me back. When you are in the middle of summer, the temperature is up there as well as the humidity…anything having to do with water is a plus! Buy a couple of water guns, set up barriers around the yard, and go to battle! Just have towels nearby for the aftermath.

18. Kayak/Canoe
If you have a nearby option for a kayak or canoe rental (assuming you don’t own one already), a couple of hours on the water is always a relaxing, yet entertaining activity. You will see wildlife you wouldn’t typically see in your backyard. The kids will have fun spotting it before you…and it costs practically nothing.
I highly recommend if you have a waterway near you with the ability to canoe or kayak.
Wrapping it up…
If push comes to shove, try one of these quick tricks…
– Have a family car wash in the driveway.
Give the kids a bucket of soapy water, a few rags and let them go to town! Keep it organized with the one weapon everyone wants control of…The Hose!
– Movie Night
This is always a good fall back no matter the season. Rent one of the family favorites or a new one just released on cable. Grab a few treats and have a nice, low key family day. Sounds good to me!
– Pokemon Hunt or Geo – Caching.
These two activities seem to come and go on popularity, but do also seem to remain a favorite among many, these days. I can see why! While it’s not exactly my thing, I do not have a problem taking a ride or walk around town to allow my son to catch the little pokemon. The giggles make it worthwhile by itself!
– Create A Story, Comic Book, Or Game
This is another activity that will keep the kids entertained. All you really need is paper, pencils, crayons or markers, and imagination. There was one year that we created a mystery game. This year, my son is a little more focused on creating comic strips or role playing games.
Get them started and before you know it…you’re looking for publishers!
It’s always good to jump start their creative minds. As the observer, you win at the end!
While I do have a lot more ideas for kids of all ages during summer vacation time, I think this is a very good start. Don’t forget to check back later for upcoming ideas and suggestions!
Oh…While I’m thinking of it, Don’t forget to hit the like, share, and sign up buttons, to keep up to date!
All great ideas! I have a 3yr old and run out of ideas! I will definitely try some of these!!!
A few of these activities will definitely keep a toddler busy for a minute 🙂 Thanks for reading!
All these activities sound super cool. We do seashell collecting and go to the beach in the mornings with my daughter. Thanks for sharing this detailed post. You gave me some ideas for the next time we want to have fun together.
I love that you frequent the beach for shell collecting. That’s always a great way of keeping entertained …that and rock collecting are among our favorite hobbies 🙂
Great article & awesome ideas for the kiddos!
I’m glad you enjoyed…Thanks for reading!
I’m going to try a bunch of these with my kids over the summer. TY!
Thank you for reading! I just went back through the list myself to see what else we can check off before school starts back up! 🙂