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The Mainstream Media News – A Toxic Source Of Propaganda?

The News is something most people pay attention to, on a fairly regular basis…To some extent, at least. Let’s face it. It is a source we can go to for weather, events, ideas, opinions, politics, everyday “happenings” throughout the world, etc, etc, etc.

The News comes in many different forms, whether it be social media, a newspaper, a magazine, a website, a tv news channel…the list goes on. There is no denying we can always find more information on just about anything, with only a few clicks of a button or two. And we do in fact, rely on some sort of news outlet just to keep up with how we, as individuals, can better plan our lives. Yet, I must wonder…just how much of the news is actually necessary?

news van

The Main Stream Media has been receiving quite a bit of flack in recent years. There are folks out there that firmly believe a lot of what you hear, is simply a selling point for those news corporations, and the actual story isn’t nearly as accurate as what is generally depicted. There are some folks who firmly believe everything being said. Regardless of your stance on the matter, the overall question is worth asking.

“When is Enough, Enough?”

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Let’s go back to the beginning for a moment…

According to Wikipedia.org, The first handwritten News Sheetsbegan circulating throughout Europe, during the mid 1500’s. The first printed newspapers began circulating around the year of 1609. By the late 1600’s the printed newspaper method had reached the U.S. By the early 1800’s, newspapers were being printed at a much faster rate, to reach many more citizens.

When the first News Sheets began circulating in the 1500’s, the information given was mostly just important things to know that pertained to wars and politics throughout Europe. Now, in the year of 2022, the news involves so many more topics. You will see anything from small town local stories in any part of the country, to a major conflict we may be facing in the world forum. You hear about natural disasters, infections, celebrities, endangered species, food ideas, money advice, the tech world…..you name it, there’s something for everyone.

reading the news

I guess my question would be…are we voluntarily getting too caught up in the typical news sources? Has it become an addiction to a point we start to seriously question reality, ourselves, our safety, our neighbors, our leaders, etc.? How much news should we actually pay attention to?

For a bit there, I found myself investigating stories a little too much. I became fascinated with so many headlines, that I couldn’t pull myself away. (The need to gather information became so intense, that my curiosity was on it’s way to killing the cat, so to speak.)

I decided to take a step back. I felt like the overall emotions that the news brought into my life, were a little on the toxic side. Although I do still catch the news a few times a week, there is a definite change in how I pursue that area of life. I check the weather forecast every day, in order to make sure my son is prepared for the school day. I scroll through the other headlines/videos, and decide what stories are most important for me to pay attention to for a minute…Then, I move on with my day. That simple.

watching the news

A lot of today’s news, covers issues that do not actually affect your personal life at all. The headlines draw you in, though. Next thing you know, your heart is breaking over the fact that someone you don’t even know, just died in a state clear across the country. Or worse…you have to see a clip of the newest underwear some celebrity has begun wearing these days. Like, what the hell?

And let me just say for the record… I simply do not give a rat’s a*s about popularity contests among childish politicians (or actors/actresses for that matter – it provides a bit of humor at best). I care about basics…weather, my local area, restaurants nearby to visit, anything else that directly impacts my family, etc. I do pay some attention to knuckle heads in charge of the country, I will admit. However, only to the extent in which they plan to make my community/life better or worse. Otherwise, for my own sanity…I have to look away from a good bit of what I would classify mostly as propaganda.

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My husband and I have often discussed the overall fascination with the news, as a society. Human drama has always existed. Wars have always existed. Cruelty among humans, has always existed. Life and Death, alike, have always existed. Prayer, hope, belief, etc, have always existed in some fashion.

So, why do we get so involved with matters that will only make us sad, depressed, anxious, angry, tired? Are the typical news stories just another way to perpetuate some kind of weird need for drama? Some form of excitement, even if negative? I feel like it only causes more turmoil and division.

In an earlier post, I questioned whether or not there is actually a disconnect among today’s society, as seems to be a topic these days? I mentioned that I don’t really witness that sort of feeling. I questioned if the disconnect story is a true assessment for most areas, or if it is indeed just a selling point with the news companies.

Because our communication methods will continue to change and advance as time goes on, the news will never go away. Given the current point we are at, the sources will become even more easily available, to even more people. Thus, the overall effect the drama has on people, may continue to expand. So, at what point do we turn off the outside noise, in exchange for our own sanity?

Do you know what I would like to see more of? Funny, happy, light hearted stories in the news. I am a firm believer that humor goes a long way. Without humor, life can be quite dull. Heart warming stories are needed far more than they are being offered. If we are in fact feeling a disconnect in general, then shouldn’t we strive for more uplifting information, as opposed to nothing but drama?

Agreed, we still need actual facts as to what is occuring in the world. Unfortunately, some of those facts are dramatic in nature. I’m just arguing that there should be a little more positive to balance out the negative, when it comes to reported news.

I remember growing up and the news aspect of life was far more minimal than that of today. You knew every weekday between 6 and 6:30pm, the noise level had to go down a notch in the household. Mom and Dad were trying to catch the forecast, along with the biggest events in the world for the day. It was just 30 minutes…brief summary on the “need-to-knows”, and over. Sitcoms began.

The first news channel that began airing all through the day, was CNN. Since then, we have accumulated a multitude of news channels from across the board… podcasts, and the such, to satisfy our need for drama any ol’ time of the day that we want.

mainstream media news

There happens to be a family member of mine that seriously keeps one channel on (All DayAll NightAll News), with the exception of “The Price Is Right” or another brief intervention of sorts. Not a joke. I think it’s probably just background noise for him, to some extent. I just can’t fathom how he has not completely lost his mind after all these years of the same routine.

I think I’ll just stick to my brief routine here or there, of keeping informed on the more note worthy stories in the world. Otherwise, I’ll be devoting more time to the beautiful stories I stumble across from time to time. Of course, Humor…Any kind of Humor will always catch my attention. I do believe laughter is an essential thing for today’s world…

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  1. This is why I stay away from the news.. so much negativity. Great article!

    1. Spicy Rocking Chair says:

      Thanks! Glad you enjoyed 🙂

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