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80 Daily Positive Self Affirmations For Your Mental Health And Wellness In The 2024 New Year

Most of us are all too familiar with how it starts…that train of negative thoughts, that is. You know that one. The one that can take your good spirits and throw them out the window within a half a second. It all starts with a tone of voice you had with a coworker earlier in the day that you fear may have come across wrong. The next thing you know, your mind has you convinced you’re mean, insensitive, and in need of an attitude adjustment. And all because in the midst of a stressful moment, you weren’t quite the bubbly personality in the next cubicle, that you usually are.

Our own thoughts and insecurities often tend to be our worst enemies. No one can make us feel as low as that inner voice sometimes can. At the same time, no one can ever make us feel good about yourself, if we don’t acknowledge our own worth. That’s where positive affirmations come in handy!

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What Are Positive Affirmations?

you got this positive self affirmation

Positive affirmations are valuable tools for increasing your self esteem, along with improving your overall mental health, and emotional wellbeing. They are statements and words of encouragement you repeat to yourself daily, as a reminder that you add value to the world and can achieve anything with the proper state of mind. It’s more than just the words, though. It’s the positive thoughts and beliefs that accompany those words, that make the difference. The words won’t have an impact if you don’t allow yourself to believe what you are saying, after all. They are just words without the conviction. Affirmations help train your mind to have those positive beliefs and convictions.

Repeating affirmations with conviction, will naturally cause you to gain confidence in yourself, your choices, and actions. As you gain more confidence, you will subconsciously make decisions along the way, that will take you closer to your goals. Before you know it, that old habit of Stinkin Thinkin will fade away into the distance and you will manifest a life you want and deserve.

Powerful Affirmations

positive self affirmation daily practice

With the New Year approaching, most of us have begun to start thinking of resolutions and goals that we hope to accomplish in the following year. It seems the perfect opportunity to list some positive affirmations to help that along.

Here are 80 powerful affirmations and words of encouragement that I have used or come across. A lot of them are pretty universal and relatable. Adjust the list to include affirmations more personal to you, and make it your own!

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1. I am successful.

2. I am confident.

3. I am powerful.

4. I am strong.

5. I am motivated.

6. I am smart.

7. I am a badass.

8. I can have anything I want.

9. I am resourceful.

10. I am self sufficient.

11. I learn and grow from my mistakes.

12. I can be whoever I want to be.

13. I make my family and friends happy.

14. Others enjoy my company.

15. My opinions and feelings are valued.

16. I am focused.

17. I am determined.

18. I am grateful.

19. I am a genuinely good person.

20. I’ve got this.

21. I am manifesting the live I want.

22. I am needed.

23. I am compassionate.

24. I am beautiful.

25. I am exactly where I am suppose to be in life at this moment.

26. I believe in myself.

27. I have achieved a lot in life.

28. No goal is unattainable.

29. I am brave.

30. I am loved.

31. I have good instincts.

32. My judgement is sound.

33. I have control over my mind, body, and emotions.

34. I can let the small things roll off of my back.

35. I am rational.

36. I learn quickly.

37. I can think through and get around any obstacle.

38. I do not have to defend my right to be.

39. My boundaries are respected.

40. I deserve all of the good that comes to me.

41. It’s okay to say “No” when something does not suit me.

42. It’s okay, and sometimes necessary to put myself first.

43. My dreams are obtainable.

44. My flaws are my strengths in a different light.

45. The universe has my back.

46. I am good enough.

47. I am open to new experiences.

48. I can turn any negative into a positive.

49. I am insightful.

50. I am observant.

51. I have stamina.

52. I am wise.

53. I have a good sense of humor.

54. I can be happy for others without jealousy.

55. I am a good mother/father.

56. I can see the bigger picture.

57. I know how to relax.

58. I am sharp and quick on my feet.

59. I can laugh at myself.

60. I am loyal.

61. I am generous.

62. I am generally prepared for anything.

63. I can overcome my fears and doubts.

64.I have good impulse control.

65. I have a lot of great memories.

66. I look for the beauty in everything.

67. My past does not dictate my present or future.

68. I deserve to be accepted for who I am.

69. I attract abundance.

70. I am fun to be around.

71. I am adventurous.

72. I have a wonderful, loving family.

73. I am strategic.

74. I am resilient.

75. I can take constructive criticism.

76. I love who I’ve become.

77. I am humble.

78. I am balanced.

79. I have self respect.

80. I am honest.

What Positive Affirmations Work Best?

You will want to choose affirmations that relate to you personally. Utilizing any old affirmation from a book or article, may not align with your desired goals. Some affirmations above are fairly universal and are appropriate to include in your routine. You can use others to inspire you to adapt your own specific affirmations.


Consistency is very important. Repeating encouraging words to yourself isn’t going to matter much if the affirmations are random and infrequent. You have to make the effort to change your way of thinking and make your words a reality. Daily repetition is a great way to accomplish that.

Work your positive affirmations into your morning routine. When you’re brushing your teeth, look at yourself in the mirror, and start your day off with a few encouraging words! Repeat affirmations several times a day…while you’re driving, jogging, showering, etc. Repetition is key.


If a negative thought enters your mind, acknowledge it and replace it with something positive. Recognizing the negativity when it first enters your mind, goes a long way toward changing your way of thinking naturally. It takes work and it doesn’t come very easy for most of us. However, it does work with time and effort.

Keep A Journal

writing in a manifestation journal

Try journaling as a method for establishing a positive routine mindset. Writing your positive affirmations down on paper helps to make your thoughts more substantial. You can then routinely refer back to your entries as a reminder of what you are working toward. There are a variety of helpful and engaging journals out there, to get you started, like this one here.

Affirmation Cards

Affirmation cards can be very powerful. You can choose to draw one daily for inspiration or even use them as journal entry ideas. Included with a lot of affirmation card sets available, the cards come printed on both sides. Generally, one side has a strong affirmation quote, while the other side presents a thought provoking question that encourages positive thinking. Both sides are valuable in creating a positive self image and approach to life.

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  • Prompts for daily affirmations.

Affirmation Calendars

Affirmation calendars are another way of implementing positive affirmations. This is especially true with desk size calendars. Whet better reminder than a positive affirmation staring you in the face while you work all day? Check out this perfectly sized desk calendar. Undated year and completely reusable.

Research & Read

Research a current affirmation. Sometimes, diving a bit deeper to gain a better understanding of a certain topic, can help you reach your goal faster. There are various types of content online that will easily provide you with more information, opinions, and perspective on just about anything! Use the free information to help you grow with positive affirmations as an ally.

Vision Board

Vision board

Create a vision board. Your goals seem more achievable if you are able to visualize them. A vision board is perfect for compiling a group of goals in one place to serve as a routine reminder to what you aiming for or aiming to be and feel. That constant visual reminder will help you to make decisions that will bring your goals into reality. Grab your vision board kit here to get started!

In Conclusion

Self affirmations can be very powerful and motivating tools to help you create a positive self image. They can help combat feelings of anxiety, depression, and stress. Positive affirmations help promote a stronger sense of self love, self esteem, and self worth.

As the month of December comes to a close and we enter the new year, we should all aim to bolster our own mental and emotional health. The best way to do that, my friends, is to spend some time looking in the mirror and recognizing all that we as individuals, are and have to offer. This is definitely one goal I’m willing to work toward!

With this being my last post of the year, I wish you all a fabulous holiday season and an even better New Year!


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  1. It’s so relatable and reminds us that we’re not alone in those runaway thought trains. Really appreciate the honest reflection on how quickly moods can shift.

    1. Spicy Rocking Chair says:

      Agreed. It’s the relatable movies that give us the courage to push through when we would otherwise feel alone and unique in our insecurities. Thank you for reading!

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