Let’s face it. If you’re a mom, you’re always busy no matter what, right? Even if you are a 100% stay at home mom and you’re main job is keeping up with the house and kids, you are always busy! …
80 Daily Positive Self Affirmations For Your Mental Health And Wellness In The New Year
Most of us are all too familiar with how it starts…that train of negative thoughts, that is. You know that one. The one that can take your good spirits and throw them out the window within a half a second. …
Stinkin Thinkin…Negative Toxic Thoughts, Anxiety, & Insecurity
You may be asking, What is “Stinkin Thinkin”? It’s just a phrase that accurately describes the negative thoughts that attack our brains on a regular basis, when it comes to actions, words, goals, self, others, etc. When you’ve asked for …
What Is Empathy? 8 Ways To Cope As An Empath…
Are you an Empath? If so, how do you keep your own sanity and mental health in tact while navigating everyday life amongst others? Empathy is defined as the ability to understand, be aware of, be sensitive to, and vicariously …
How To Be A Caretaker and The Symptoms, Stages, & Treatment For Dementia
I have had the unfortunate experience of witnessing a loved one go through the stages of Dementia, and it isn’t pretty. I hope to perhaps give a bit of insight for those who may have or may currently be going …